Consultancy for Sustainability in tourism and travel

TMC is working on a future proof tourism landscape.

We take sustainability in Tourism seriously.
Tourism Marketing Concepts works according the EU qualification system PM4SD
What is PM4SD?
Project Management and Sustainable Tourism. This combination forms the basis of PM4SD™, Project Management for Sustainable Development, a new methodology and qualification for designing and managing tourism projects with success.

PM4SD applies whenever an organization, whatever public or private, needs to plan and manage a sustainable tourism initiative. It provides a guarantee for public authorities that the project will be transformed into concrete actions with clearly defined roles and responsibilities and that these actions will have a real impact on local communities. It helps governments and companies to plan transparently and not to forget that every action must have corresponding benefits. It is a practice to be adopted for participatory, transparent and effective management.

Training and education in sustainable tourism

M4SD Summer school 2016 in Akureyri in Iceland
University course at the George Washington University – Tourism as a path to International cooperation and sustainable development
PM4SD practitioners course in Sofia Bulgaria
PM4SD training course at the Cardiff University
PM4SD Summer school in Village Nature in Paris

  • Networking among the tourism Industry
  • Sales mission and workshops
  • Fair representation
  • Database marketing
  • Travel trade campaigns
  • Trade training programs
  • Organization of events
  • Travel market specialized media buying and planning
  • Partnership Marketing Agreements


Efficiency is more and more important. Our core business is to attract more business with lesser budget. Our campaigns and activities need to be efficient and convince consumers to choose for your destination.

Projects Sustainability

Efficiency is more and more important. Our core business is to attract more business with lesser budget. Our campaigns and activities need to be efficient and convince consumers to choose for your destination.